Representation of Peace
PEACE maybe the word that represent of utopia. Since the beginning of human civilization, war and conflict always exist in our history. From small one like tribe conflict or slavery, up to big war with million casualties, it’s kind of impossible to pick a single year without war/conflict. Or, can you? It’s a nice challenge though.
In symbolism, peace always represented with soft animal, or we can say herbivore. There is no record, that any carnivore can be a symbol of peace. How can be, if they do for living is take another life? Yeah, it just be a natural being, which product of evolution in our universe. But we have to agree, we can label carnivore animal with word bravery, loyalty, or another noble adjective, but sure peace is none of them.
Speak of symbolism and peace, let’s take a look of armorial of states in the world (or we can say emblem, coat of arms, or seal). Remember what is your national emblem consist of. And then, try to observe another country.
I assume you must be no surprise, to know two most object that appear in emblem of sovereign state. Yes, the answer is eagle and lion. So many eagle there: Austria, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Mexico, Panama, USA, Indonesia, Egypt, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines, Syria, Thailand, UAE, Yemen, Palestine, Ghana, Mali, and South Sudan. Also, don’t forget with the variation which eagle with two head: Albania, Germany, Montenegro, Russia, and Serbia.
And yes there is so many lions in the symbolism. The funny fact is that some countries have a lion in their emblem despite lion is not the natural habitat, thanks to colonialism. See of the list: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain, UK, Canada, Cambodia, Georgia, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Chad, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Congo Republic, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Tunisia.
Another symbol mostly use carnivore too, like condor (Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador), cheetah (Guyana, Benin, Congo, and Somalia), or puma (Gabon).
Is there any country took herbivore as their emblem? Indeed, yes. Like cow in Andorra, deer in Antigua and Barbuda, or kangaroo and emu in Australia. But the most peaceful emblem will crown to Cyprus. It’s emblem simply just coat with dove and olive branch in its beak in the middle of coat. Quite contrary, the island of Cyprus still at conflict because there is two state which the northern part is not wide recognized by the world. And the northern side also use dove as their emblem.
Despite the Cyprus situation, I think it is a good idea to take this idea in the next civilization. A peaceful world means a world with countries that clearly have a peace and non-violent goals, thus left all the colonialism and aggressive symbol. Of course, it’s just a cliché and needless suggestion. But, might in the next generation as when they learn about their national emblem and there is full of peace and love mark, this change can affect on the geo political situation.
But dunno, might there is no country in the future, just like song Imagine?
Yeah sure, that’s one of probabilities.
PS: I’m still not convinced that Hitler loves Karl May’s works. It’s just make no sense.